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Master of Business Administration

Program(s) Available: M.B.A.

和记棋牌娱乐的相关课程将使您对会计的基本业务领域有一个全面的了解, business analytics, 经济学, 金融, 管理, 和市场营销, 使你能够自信地在领导岗位上做出商业决策. 提高你作为一个专业人士的市场竞争力,提高你的职业机会与西北MBA的质量.


为什么学习 Master of Business Administration at Northwest

和记棋牌娱乐的MBA毕业生担任的职位从堪萨斯城联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank)的分析师到奥马哈盖洛普(Gallup)的项目经理. MBA课程将基于内容的学习与当代洞察力相结合,以完善专业知识, 技能, 和能力. The teamwork opportunities, along with the analytical, 推理, and managerial 技能 taught in the program, have enabled Northwest MBA graduates to accomplish tremendous success.


Learn more about the MBA Program



M.B.A. 项目 are available on-campus in the emphases listed below. Click each link to view course sequence for each program. 


Earn your master’s degree on a schedule that works for you. 在线米.B.A. 项目 are available in the emphases listed below.

Career Opportunities

  • Business Operations Manager
  • 管理 Analyst
  • 市场营销 Manager
  • 产品经理
  • 物流经理
  • Purchasing Manager
  • 项目经理


Application Deadlines

If you wish to be considered for admission to the MBA program, send your application for admission to the Northwest Graduate Office by the following dates.

Domestic Student Application Deadlines:

  • Fall Semester—July 1
  • Spring Semester—December 1
  • Summer Semester—May 1

International Student Application Deadlines:

国际学生必须在以下日期前向招生办提交申请和所有所需材料. 国际学生应该在收到所有申请文件后大约两个月的时间内收到录取通知.

  • 秋季- 6月15日
  • Spring – November 1

Admissions Requirements

申请和记棋牌娱乐工商管理硕士课程的申请人必须拥有地区认可大学的商业学士学位,累积平均绩点(GPA)必须为2.5对4.0 scale, and one of the following:

  • Three years of continuous professional full-time work experience
  • 连续三年的全职美国军队服役
  • Graduate degree from a regionally accredited university with a minimum 3.0累积绩点
  • A GMAT score of 440 or above
  • An admission index of 1100 (undergraduate GPA x 200 + GMAT)
  • A GRE score of 285岁或以上
  • An admission index of 965 (undergraduate GPA x 200 + GRE)
  • A 70th percentile on the Business Major Field Test score or above.
  • 申请MBA课程的人没有商业学士学位,必须成功完成54201:MBA商业基础课程,这是专门为商业课程的新学生设计的. 
  • 所有有条件录取的学生必须完成54201:MBA商业基础课程,无论先前的学位如何. 


  • 托福笔试成绩550分,计算机成绩213分,网络成绩79/80分或以上
  • 雅思成绩6分.5岁或以上
  • PTE score of 53 or above


国际学生必须在以下日期前向招生办提交申请和所有所需材料. 国际学生应该在收到所有申请文件后大约两个月的时间内收到录取通知.


和记棋牌娱乐接受来自地区认可机构的最多12个研究生学时,这些机构尚未申请学位课程. 只有评估为“B”或以上的课程才能被特定的项目协调员和/或顾问批准为转学分. Official transcripts must show that the credit is at the graduate level. 对于未被研究生学位或认证课程录取或注册的研究生,不处理转学分.

International Student Admission

Before deciding to attend Northwest, 国际学生应该非常仔细地检查自己的经济状况. 美国.S. 国土安全部及其相关的移民和海关执法部门, Student Exchange Visitor Program, 公民和移民服务局-要求和记棋牌娱乐证明国际学生已经完全被全日制研究生硕士课程录取(攻读学位),并有足够的资金支付一学年的所有费用:学费, 住房, 运输, 等. 和记棋牌娱乐需要学生家庭、担保人或政府的支持声明. The statement certifies that tuition, 食宿, and personal funds are available, 并且允许学生将这些资金出口并兑换到美国. Without this certification, no I-20 form can be issued.

Students entering Northwest are required to have a reading, 写作, and conversational knowledge of the English language. 如果学生的中等教育是在非英语学校或教学媒介不是英语的学校获得的, and that student was hired as a teaching graduate assistant, then he or she is required to meet an English language requirement. Northwest accepts the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), 国际英语语言测试系统(IELTS)或皮尔逊英语测试(PTE).

Minimum score requirements are:

  • 托福考试:
    • 550 paper and pencil
    • 213 computer based
    • 79-80 Internet based
  • 雅思:6.5 overall band score
  • PTE: 53

国际学生必须拥有经批准的健康保险计划. The student is charged for Northwest’s approved plan. 留学生在入学前是否有健康保险计划, 他们必须在开学前两周内与国际事务办公室联系,以批准该政策. 如果获得批准,那么西北航空公司的保单费用将从他们的账单中扣除.

MBA Prerequisite Courses

除了研究生院规定的一般要求外, 所有MBA候选人没有在商业领域的本科学位必须成功完成54201:MBA商业基础.

Research and Comps

Comprehensive Examination - ETS® MBA-MFT

学生必须参加ETS MBA- major Field Test (ETS MBA- mft)综合考试才能完成MBA课程. To be eligible to take the exam, students must:

  • Be enrolled in their final semester
  • Be admitted to candidacy 
  • Have achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Have fulfilled the Research Component requirement
  • 已申请毕业(不迟于最后一个学期的第二周结束) 

Research Component

所有MBA学生都必须完成一项研究,作为毕业要求的一部分. 研究部分将在完成以下要求的MBA课程后完成:

  • ACCT-51646 Managerial 会计
  • ECON-52651 Macro经济学 for Business Managers OR
  • ECON-52654 Managerial Economics
  • FIN-53621 Financial 管理
  • MGMT-54611 Business Decision Analysis Tools
  • MGMT-54616 Organizational Behavior in Administration
  • MGMT-54618 Executive Seminar
  • MKTG-55630 Strategic 市场营销

MBA Graduate Faculty

School of Business

教员 毕业于
Dr. 凯西阿宾顿 Kansas State University
Dr. Benjamin Blackford University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dr. Shih-Hsien Chuang University of Nebraska Lincoln
Dr. Tolina Fufa Oklahoma State University
Dr. Araceli Hernandez University of Texas-El Paso
Dr. 劳拉Kauzlarich Creighton University
Dr. Kyungjoong金 Rutgers University
Dr. 志罗林 United States International University
Dr. 史蒂夫·路德维希 University of Arkansas
Dr. 杰森萨切尔 Creighton University
Dr. Tiebing史 Queen's University
Dr. 詹姆斯•沃克 University of Texas-Arlington
Dr. Tekle Wanorie University of Alabama
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