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About Fraternity & Sorority Life

每个西北地区的兄弟会和姐妹会都建立在类似的学术原则之上, leadership, accountability, civic engagement, and community. 有关西北FSL创立价值的完整信息,请查看 Fraternal Values.

Governing Councils

National Pan-Hellenic Council

Interfraternity Council (IFC)

博爱理事会是代表西北兄弟会最大利益的行政和管理委员会. 国际金融公司的职责包括努力实现最高标准的领导, brotherhood, scholarship and self-governance. IFC coordinates educational, social and recruitment programs for member chapters, as well as establishes rules and standards for behavior and membership.

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National Pan-Hellenic Council

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

全国泛希腊理事会是九个历史上的黑人希腊字母兄弟会和姐妹会的官方协调机构. 和记棋牌娱乐NPHC分会是校园附属组织的标准制定机构. 西北NPHC努力促进和维护会员之间的合作环境. 理事会的作用是协调兄弟会和姐妹会成员之间的活动和共同关心的问题.

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National Pan-Hellenic Council

Panhellenic Council (Panhel)

西北泛希腊理事会是联合所有五个姐妹会的行政和管理机构. As Northwest's largest women's organization, Panhel致力于营造一个重视学术的支持性环境, service and personal growth through a unified sisterhood. It coordinates all-sorority events, service projects, educational programs and formal sorority recruitment. Panhel共同努力,保持较高的学术和社会标准,通过姐妹会分会加强友谊和姐妹情谊的纽带.

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Recruitment Process

有兴趣成为西北兄弟会或姐妹会成员的学生被鼓励通过招募程序. The recruitment process is a mutual selection process. 目标是找到你最具归属感的章节. 招聘允许感兴趣的潜在新成员与现有的分会成员见面,并了解每个组织, including its history and traditions, the founding values, leadership opportunities and campus involvement.

Registration for Fall 2024 Recruitment opens June 1st!

Sorority Recruitment will take place on campus from September 6-9

Click HERE to Register!


Click HERE to Register!

Open Recruitment will begin following formal rush. Please reach out the individual chapters if interested in joining. 

对姐妹会生活感兴趣的女性在9月份参加正式的姐妹会招募. 这个过程允许潜在的新成员有机会通过有组织的招募聚会与西北各姐妹会互动. After formal recruitment is completed, 你可能有机会参加持续公开招聘活动, which are casual, sisterhood events typically held on-campus.

对兄弟会生活感兴趣的男士可以参加8月和9月的秋季招募活动. Each respective chapter organizes their own events and activities. 大多数招聘活动都是休闲的,包括体育项目, poker/card tournaments and cookouts.

Intake Process

隶属于全国泛希腊理事会(NPHC)的组织在其成员要求和流程方面是独一无二的. 而不是为所有兄弟会和姐妹会举办正式的会员招募程序, each NPHC organization has an individual membership application, 个人入会要求和具体入会程序由其国家总部规定. Intake may include interviews, group activities, and study of group values/traditions, with the involvement of both undergraduates and advisors. NPHC分会在学年的不同时间进入招生过程.

New Member Period

Membership education is a time for new members to learn the history, principles and ideals associated with their new organization. The new member period generally lasts 6 to 8 weeks. During this time new members will participate in weekly meetings to learn about their chapter; they will participate in leadership workshops, retreats and activities designed to build friendships; they will perform community service and support academic excellence.

Hazing and Safety

大学和每个(国际)国家兄弟会和姐妹会希望其成员遵守所有地方规定, state and federal laws and to abide by the chapter's policies, guidelines and standards. 在各级分配了大量资源,对成员进行关于酗酒和滥用药物的教育,并对自己的行为和行动负责.

Hazing is banned by Missouri state law and the University. 所有的兄弟会和姐妹会都有严格的政策来反对欺侮行为. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off chapter premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Hazing is forbidden and will not be tolerated.

和记棋牌娱乐组织赞助的所有活动都必须符合组织的成立原则,并且必须符合和记棋牌娱乐的教育使命. If you are concerned about any suspicious activities, or have any questions, please contact the office at (660) 562-1226.

Financial Obligations

据说,当你加入姐妹会或兄弟会时,你是在为你的朋友付钱. This is in no way true! 是的,作为FSL组织的成员确实需要承担财务责任. However, 这些会费使该分会能够向慈善事业捐款, 协调分会规划并维护组织的总体需求.

Financial obligations vary from chapter to chapter. Chapter dues average $50.00 a month but can vary depending on any additional social events, educational programs or housing options. As a new member, several one-time fees will be added to your monthly dues, in order to cover fees that occur due to initiation cost. Typically, the first year of membership is the most costly.

许多章节提供付款计划,以满足财务义务. 一些分会还为提前缴纳年费或达到一定学术标准的会员提供奖励计划.

Housing Options

Northwest fraternities operate chapter houses adjacent to campus, providing the opportunity for small group living. 每个分会的设施都由房屋公司负责监督和维护, and on average houses around 20 chapter members.

Northwest sororities do not own chapter housing. They do, however, have University housing for their chapters. Roberta Hall is the all-sorority hall, 每个组织都有指定数量的房间供其成员使用,还有一个分会/会议室.

所有和记棋牌娱乐的新生都必须遵守学校的住宿政策, 因此,新生在入学第二年之前是不允许住在分会宿舍的. 关于分会住房的其他问题可以在招聘过程中解决.